This website aims to help cyclists find resources, provide easy-to-digest educational content, connect people with organisations, and much more.
We recommend joining our of Reddit community r/BikeCommutingIreland if you have any questions related to cycling.
Q: Is Bike Commuting Ireland a registered charity or non-profit?
A: While this site operates as a non-profit, we are not registered with any governing bodies.
Q: How is Bike Commuting Ireland funded?
A: This site is personally funded by us, we use affiliate links where appropriate to help offset the cost of hosting, domain fees and other costs but we still operate at a loss.
Q: Do you offer preferential treatment to businesses for a quid pro quo?
A: No. If we like a product we may recommend it, however these opinions cannot be influenced by any incentives.
Q: How do I contact you?
A: You can email us directly at or visit our contact page for alternative options.